How your business can improve its organic SEO in 10 easy steps!
Schema Mark-up
#1. Add schema mark-up, your seo consultant or agency may need to help you with this. Its really important to add nap information to your website, so for those that don’t know what that means, well it stands for name of your company, its address in Cardiff, and the phone number.
2. Publish high-quality content marketing
Content is still king when it comes to organic SEO that’s for sure.
So make sure all of the content marketing on your website is well-written,useful, and unique.
Notice how we say unique, that’s with good reason, as if the work is duplicated, well, this could damage your organic seo.
If your content marketing is well written, then more likely people are to link to it, and the better your chances of ranking high in the search results.
That’s because, whether you’re a solicitor in Cardiff, or a dentist, you need high quality backlinks, as any digital marketing agency will tell you, good quality backlinks, are very important. Yet its only quality backlinks you want.
Backlinks are simply links which are incoming to a website, that is they can be linked to a page or lets say a blog post.
They are a really important ranking factor, well, most seo agencies would agree with us, out of all of the things you can do to improve your seo, having quality backlinks is one of the most important.
So, the more high-quality backlinks you have, the better your chances of ranking high in the search results.
Yet, all backlinks must be built in a white hat way.
4. Optimise your website for mobile
With more and more people using phones and tablets to buy products, it’s important to make sure your website is optimised for mobile devices. Mobile-friendly websites should load quickly and are easy to use on a small screen. So, this means, you should make it super simple for someone to buy something on your website, so think easy to use navigation, product descriptions which will answer a customer’s question, and also making sure you make the payment process easy.
Google also gives preference to mobile-friendly websites when ranking search results.
5. Use social media, such as Facebook, twitter and linkedin
Social media is a great way to promote your content marketing and you may if the work is high quality receive backlinks from companies that may choose to link to you.
When you share your content marketing on social media, make sure to include links back to your website.
This will help people find your website.
6. Monitor your organic visitor numbers
Keeping an eye on your website’s organic visitor numbers is a good way to gauge the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.
Google Analytics is a free tool, it’s very useful, and it allows you to see how many organic visitors your business is getting. For example, you can compare each month, to see if you are getting more shoppers?
7. Fix broken links
Broken links can hurt your SEO simply because they make it difficult for search engines to crawl and index your website.
Use a tool like Screaming Frog to find broken links on your website and fix them.
8. make sure your main pages are not content thin
So, what do we mean by content thin?
Well, a lot of websites simply don’t have much written text, sometimes just a few sentences per page.
You need to add quality content marketing to each page, to improve the organic seo.
9. make sure the main menu is easy to use
10. Keep your website up-to-date
Search engines like businesses that are kept regularly updated with new content marketing.
If your website is outdated, so let’s say you’re a lawyer, and the last time you added a blog post was 7 years back, it’s time to make some changes to your marketing and make sure your seo company is adding new work on a regular basis.