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Are backlinks still considered an important part of improving the businesses SEO?

Are backlinks still considered an important part of improving the businesses SEO?



Hello, friends! Welcome to another article published by Top Space, and today we’re about to embark on an enlightening journey through an area of search engine optimisation that many find confusing, that is how to build do follow backlinks.


1. So, what’s all this fuss about backlinks?

Consider backlinks as the digital handshakes between websites. So, just like a lot of people in business, like to have thousands of followers to their LinkedIn profile, your company website also needs thousands of good-quality backlinks, if organic search engine optimisation is to improve to the point where your business appears on the first page.
For example a large e-commerce store, let’s say a company which sells electrical goods, for them to appear on the first page, often the need thousands of quality backlinks.

While backlinks are one amongst many cogs in the SEO machine, they are often considered one of the most important, they’re a bit like a 4-leaf clover – hard to ignore, very hard to get, yet when you obtain them, they bring lots of good fortune. For example, a single do follow backlinks, from a really high quality website, let’s say the daily Telegraph, then this could dramatically move your business higher up the Serps. Research by Ahrefs confirms this, with a direct correlation between the number of quality backlinks and the surge in organic traffic. Google’s own Gary Ilyes gave this a thumbs up back in 2017, also stressing that backlinks are still considered very important.


2. Importance of backlinks – a practical metaphor

Think about looking for a car garage, let’s say you need to find the garage in Cardiff.. The businesses with the strongest backlinks are often the companies which appear on the first page.

. The quality of each link matters too. A high-value link can knock the socks off ten low-quality ones. In matter-of-fact, low quality links, can damage your businesses search engine optimisation, so only focus on building quality links. A diverse portfolio of backlinks, from, authoritative sites, such as the BBC to local and smaller websites, will be helpful when improving your businesses SEO.

3. How backlinks and E-A-T work together

The E-A-T (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness) needs to be thought about when building links for your business.

Building valuable backlinks takes up a huge amount of time, and that’s where we step here at top space, we have many link builders working for us, which have been building links for our clients for over 10 years. Therefore our marketing agency knows how to build high-quality, do follow backlinks for your business.

4. Valuing links

. Some brands may miss the value of link building, favouring more concrete tactics like PPC or on-page SEO. However, we know from experience, and when you start to build quality backlinks, these can majorly improve your businesses SEO.

